Safeguarding Policy

This Safeguarding Policy describes Our policies on the safeguarding participants in online webinars and Our procedures on use of screenshots, recordings and your submitted assignments for social media content and archives. 

We use Your Personal data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

T&Cs for online workshops


We will hold all online workshops on Zoom and participants will need to register on the Academy portal prior to the event to gain access to the workshop material.

Safeguarding measures

In addition to registration, only registered Academy emails will be allowed access into Academy events. Furthermore, grouping of participants will be done to encourage learning synergies and do due diligence on potential inappropriate contact.

Mentors and project consultants

All facilitators of workshops and check-in calls will be verified by the Camstart team and required to register in advance to all Zoom meetings, allowing us to check and verify the identity of all key personnel.


  1. Participants should wear appropriate attire and join the call from a suitable location

  2. Participants are strongly encouraged not to share sensitive personal information over the Zoom call, instead we recommend exchanging details via work or personal email

  3. Inappropriate actions will be result in immediate removal from call

  4. Users flagged for inappropriate actions will not be allowed access in subsequent calls

Social media sharing

Screenshots and Video Recordings

By participating in the Academy/Accelerator workshop, you consent to Camstart taking screenshots and video recordings of Zoom evens for publishing on social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn

You will receive an email for signed consent if we are using images you are in for corporate documents, website images or promotional material. 


Assignments submitted on the Academy platform will be kept in our archives for future reference. We will be using your assignments to improve future Academy content and review the difficulty of our assignment questions.

You will receive an email and be contacted when we intend to share your assignment on social media, through which you may inform us of any concerns. Take note we are only sharing the Assignments we believe are the best of the cohort and wish to highlight your achievements on various platforms!

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Safeguarding Policy, You can contact us:

  • By email: